Advanced usage

Site specific / customized template

If you want to convert many studies with similar acquisition protocols then you may consider (NB: this is in no way necessary) creating your own customized bidsmap template. This template can then be passed to the bidsmapper tool (instead of the default [path_to_bidscoin]/heuristics/bidsmap_template.yaml template) to automatically identify the different scans in your study and map these to the correct BIDS modality. The bidsmapper will save the resulting study bidsmap in [bidsfolder]/code/bidscoin/bidsmap.yaml. Creating or editing bidsmaps requires more indepth knowledge of YAML and of how BIDScoin identifies different acquisitions in a protocol given a bidsmap (NB: a bidsmap template is just a void study bidsmap).

Generally speaking, a bidsmap file contains a collection of key-value dictionaries that define unique mappings between different types (runs) of source data onto BIDS outcome data. As illustrated in the figure below, each run item in the bidsmap has a provenance value, i.e. the pathname of a representative data sample of that run. Each run item also contains a source data attributes object, i.e. a key-value dictionary with keys and values that are extracted from the provenance data sample, as well as a bids object, i.e. a key-value dictionary that determines the filename of the BIDS output file. The different key-values in the attributes dictionary represent properties of the source data and should uniquely identify the different runs in a session. But these key-values should not vary between sessions, making the length of the bidsmap only dependent on the acquisition protocol and not on the number of subjects and sessions in the data collection. The difference between a bidsmap template and the study bidsmap that comes out of the bidsmapper is that the template contains / defines the key-value pairs that will be used by the bidsmapper and that the template contains all possible runs. The study bidsmap contains only runs that were encountered in the study, with key-values that are specific for that study. A bidsmap has different sections for different source data modalities, i.e. DICOM, PAR, P7, Nifti, FileSystem, as well as a section for the BIDScoin Options. Within each source data section there sub-sections for the different BIDS modalities, i.e. for anat, func, dwi, fmap, pet, beh and `` extra_data``, and for the participant_label and session_label. The BIDScoin tools, given a data sample, will go through the bidsmap (from top to bottom) until they come across a run with attribute values that match the attribute values of the data sample (NB: empty values are ignored). At that point a bidsmapping is made, i.e. the bids values will be taken to contruct a BIDS output filename.


A snippet of a study bidsmap, showing a DICOM section with a few run items in the anat subsection

A good start to create your own template is to have a look at the DCCN [path_to_bidscoin]/heuristics/bidsmap_dccn.yaml template and see if you can adapt that to your needs. If you open the template, there are a few things to take notice of (as shown in the template snippet below). First, you can see that the DCCN template makes use of YAML anchors and aliases (to make maintanance more sustainable). The second thing to notice is that, of the first run, all values of the attribute dictionary are empty, meaning that it won’t match any run. In that way, however, the subsequent runs that alias (<<: *anatattributes_dicom) this anchor (&anatattributes_dicom) will inherit only the keys and can inject their own values, as shown in the second run. The first run of each modality sub-section (like anat) also serves as the default bidsmapping when users manually overrule / change the bids modality using the bidsmapper GUI. Finally, it is important to take notice of the usage of matching patterns (see DICOM Attributes).

anat:       # ----------------------- All anatomical runs --------------------
- provenance: ~                 # The first run item with empty attributes will not match anything but will be used when changing modality in the bidseditor GUI -> suffix = T1w
  attributes: &anatattributes_dicom
    Modality: ~
    ProtocolName: ~
    SeriesDescription: ~
    ImageType: ~
    SequenceName: ~
    SequenceVariant: ~
    ScanningSequence: ~
    MRAcquisitionType: ~
    SliceThickness: ~
    FlipAngle: ~
    EchoNumbers: ~
    EchoTime: ~
    RepetitionTime: ~
    PhaseEncodingDirection: ~
  bids: &anatbids_dicom
    acq: <SeriesDescription>    # A dynamic label which will be replaced during bidscoiner runtime with the DICOM attribute value
    ce: ~
    rec: ~
    run: <<1>>                  # A dynamic label that will be increased during bidscoiner runtime. NB: changing this value may lead to collisions / overwriting of BIDS data
    mod: ~
    suffix: T1w
- provenance: ~                 # The second run item with non-empty attributes ('SeriesDescription' and 'MRAcquisitionType') will match any run with these attribute values
    <<: *anatattributes_dicom
    SeriesDescription: ['*mprage*', '*MPRAGE*', '*MPRage*', '*t1w*', '*T1w*', '*T1*']
    MRAcquisitionType: 3D
    <<: *anatbids_dicom
    suffix: T1w

Snippet from the ``bidsmap_dccn.yaml`` template, showing a DICOM section with the first two run items in the anat subsection


BIDScoin has the option to import plugins to further automate / complete the conversion from source data to BIDS. The plugin takes is called each time the BIDScoin tool has finished processing a run or session, with arguments containing information about the run or session, as shown in the plugin example code below. The functions in the plugin module should be named bidsmapper_plugin to be called by bidsmapper and bidscoiner_plugin to be called by bidscoiner.

import logging
from pathlib import Path

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(f'bidscoin.{Path(__file__).stem}')

def bidsmapper_plugin(seriesfolder: Path, bidsmap: dict, bidsmap_template: dict) -> dict:
    The plugin to map info onto bids labels

    :param seriesfolder:        The full-path name of the raw-data series folder
    :param bidsmap:             The study bidsmap
    :param bidsmap_template:    Full BIDS heuristics data structure, with all options, BIDS labels and attributes, etc
    :return:                    The study bidsmap with new entries in it

    LOGGER.debug(f'This is a bidsmapper demo-plugin working on: {seriesfolder}')
    return bidsmap

def bidscoiner_plugin(session: Path, bidsmap: dict, bidsfolder: Path, personals: dict) -> None:
    The plugin to cast the series into the bids folder

    :param session:     The full-path name of the subject/session raw data source folder
    :param bidsmap:     The full mapping heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param bidsfolder:  The full-path name of the BIDS root-folder
    :param personals:   The dictionary with the personal information
    :return:            Nothing

    LOGGER.debug(f'This is a bidscoiner demo-plugin working on: {session} -> {bidsfolder}')

Plugin example code