Finishing up

After a successful run of bidscoiner, the work to convert your data in a fully compliant BIDS dataset is usually not fully over and, depending on the complexity of your data-set, additional tools may need to be run to post-process (e.g. deface) your data or convert datatypes not supported by the standard BIDScoin plugins (e.g. EEG data). Below you can find some tips and additional BIDScoin tools that may help you finishing up.

Adding more meta-data

To make your dataset reproducable and shareable, you should add study-level meta-data in the modality agnostic BIDS files (BIDScoin saves stub versions of them). For instance, you should update the content of the dataset_description.json and README files in your bids folder and you may need to provide e.g. additional *_sessions.tsv or participants.json files (see the BIDS specification for more information). Moreover, if you have behavioural log-files you will find that BIDScoin does not (yet) support converting these into BIDS compliant *_events.tsv/json files (advanced users are encouraged to use the bidscoiner plug-in option and write their own log-file parser).

Data sharing utilities

Multi-echo combination

Before sharing or pre-processing their images, users may want to combine the separate the individual echos of multi-echo MRI acquisitions. The echcombine-tool is a wrapper around mecombine that writes BIDS valid output.

usage: echocombine [-h] [-p PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]] [-o OUTPUT]
                   [-a {PAID,TE,average}] [-w [WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]]] [-f]
                   bidsfolder pattern

A wrapper around the 'mecombine' multi-echo combination tool (

Except for BIDS inheritances, this wrapper is BIDS-aware (a 'bidsapp') and writes BIDS compliant output

positional arguments:
  bidsfolder            The bids-directory with the (multi-echo) subject data
  pattern               Globlike recursive search pattern (relative to the subject/session folder) to
                        select the first echo of the images that need to be combined, e.g.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Space separated list of sub-# identifiers to be processed (the sub- prefix can
                        be left out). If not specified then all sub-folders in the bidsfolder will be
                        processed (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        A string that determines where the output is saved. It can be the name of a BIDS
                        datatype folder, such as 'func', or of the derivatives folder, i.e.
                        'derivatives'. If output = [the name of the input datatype folder] then the
                        original echo images are replaced by one combined image. If output is left empty
                        then the combined image is saved in the input datatype folder and the original
                        echo images are moved to the extra_data folder (default: )
  -a {PAID,TE,average}, --algorithm {PAID,TE,average}
                        Combination algorithm (default: TE)
  -w [WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]], --weights [WEIGHTS [WEIGHTS ...]]
                        Weights for each echo (default: None)
  -f, --force           If this flag is given subjects will be processed, regardless of existing target
                        files already exist. Otherwise the echo-combination will be skipped (default:

  echocombine /project/3017065.01/bids func/*task-stroop*echo-1*
  echocombine /project/3017065.01/bids *task-stroop*echo-1* -p 001 003
  echocombine /project/3017065.01/bids func/*task-*echo-1* -o func
  echocombine /project/3017065.01/bids func/*task-*echo-1* -o derivatives -w 13 26 39 52
  echocombine /project/3017065.01/bids func/*task-*echo-1* -a PAID


Before sharing or pre-processing their images, users may want to deface their anatomical MRI acquisitions to protect the privacy of their subjects. The deface-tool is a wrapper around pydeface that writes BIDS valid output. NB: pydeface requires FSL to be installed on the system.

usage: deface [-h] [-p PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]] [-o OUTPUT] [-c] [-n NATIVESPEC] [-a ARGS]
              bidsfolder pattern

A wrapper around the 'pydeface' defacing tool (

Except for BIDS inheritances, this wrapper is BIDS-aware (a 'bidsapp') and writes BIDS compliant output

For multi-echo data see `medeface`

positional arguments:
  bidsfolder            The bids-directory with the subject data
  pattern               Globlike search pattern (relative to the subject/session folder) to select the
                        images that need to be defaced, e.g. 'anat/*_T1w*'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Space separated list of sub-# identifiers to be processed (the sub- prefix can
                        be left out). If not specified then all sub-folders in the bidsfolder will be
                        processed (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        A string that determines where the defaced images are saved. It can be the name
                        of a BIDS datatype folder, such as 'anat', or of the derivatives folder, i.e.
                        'derivatives'. If output is left empty then the original images are replaced by
                        the defaced images (default: None)
  -c, --cluster         Flag to submit the deface jobs to the high-performance compute (HPC) cluster
                        (default: False)
  -n NATIVESPEC, --nativespec NATIVESPEC
                        DRMAA native specifications for submitting deface jobs to the HPC cluster
                        (default: -l walltime=00:30:00,mem=2gb)
  -a ARGS, --args ARGS  Additional arguments (in dict/json-style) that are passed to pydeface. See
                        examples for usage (default: {})

  deface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w*
  deface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w* -p 001 003 -o derivatives
  deface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w* -c -n "-l walltime=00:60:00,mem=4gb"
  deface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w* -a '{"cost": "corratio", "verbose": ""}'

Multi-echo defacing

This utility is very similar to the deface utility above, except that it can handle multi-echo data.

usage: medeface [-h] [-m MASKPATTERN] [-p PARTICIPANT_LABEL [PARTICIPANT_LABEL ...]] [-o OUTPUT] [-c]
                [-n NATIVESPEC] [-a ARGS]
                bidsfolder pattern

A wrapper around the 'pydeface' defacing tool ( that computes
a defacing mask on a (temporary) echo-combined image and then applies it to each individual echo-image.

Except for BIDS inheritances, this wrapper is BIDS-aware (a 'bidsapp') and writes BIDS compliant output

For single-echo data see `deface`

positional arguments:
  bidsfolder            The bids-directory with the (multi-echo) subject data
  pattern               Globlike search pattern (relative to the subject/session folder) to select the
                        images that need to be defaced, e.g. 'anat/*_T2starw*'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Globlike search pattern (relative to the subject/session folder) to select the
                        images from which the defacemask is computed, e.g. 'anat/*_part-mag_*_T2starw*'.
                        If not given then 'pattern' is used (default: None)
                        Space separated list of sub-# identifiers to be processed (the sub- prefix can
                        be left out). If not specified then all sub-folders in the bidsfolder will be
                        processed (default: None)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        A string that determines where the defaced images are saved. It can be the name
                        of a BIDS datatype folder, such as 'anat', or of the derivatives folder, i.e.
                        'derivatives'. If output is left empty then the original images are replaced by
                        the defaced images (default: None)
  -c, --cluster         Flag to submit the deface jobs to the high-performance compute (HPC) cluster
                        (default: False)
  -n NATIVESPEC, --nativespec NATIVESPEC
                        DRMAA native specifications for submitting deface jobs to the HPC cluster
                        (default: -l walltime=00:30:00,mem=2gb)
  -a ARGS, --args ARGS  Additional arguments (in dict/json-style) that are passed to pydeface. See
                        examples for usage (default: {})

  medeface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w*
  medeface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w* -p 001 003 -o derivatives
  medeface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_T1w* -c -n "-l walltime=00:60:00,mem=4gb"
  medeface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*acq-GRE* -m anat/*acq-GRE*magnitude*"
  medeface /project/3017065.01/bids anat/*_FLAIR* -a '{"cost": "corratio", "verbose": ""}'

BIDS validation

If all of the above work is done, you can (and should) run the web-based bidsvalidator to check for inconsistencies or missing files in your bids data-set (NB: the bidsvalidator also exists as a command-line tool).


Privacy-sensitive source data samples may be stored in [bidsfolder]/code/bidscoin/provenance (see the -s option in the bidsmapper).